News Articles
Posted on Feb 21st, 2013
Attention Arlington Oaks Owners: The Utility Modernization Workgroup, under the direction of the Arlington Oaks (AO) Board, would like to remind you to take the Arlington Oaks Utility Modernization Owner Survey. This survey was mentioned in the annual meeting notice mailed last December and was e-mailed to the AO community on February 11, 2013. The results of this survey will be factored into the exploration of new possibilities for the way our community provides utilities. The entire AO communities’ input is desired. Please encourage your fellow AO owners to compete the online survey.
Please complete the survey via the link below by February 28, 2013. In the near future, a Town Hall meeting will be organized to discuss utility project possibilities, and any concerns you may have. If you have already taken the survey, please disregard this notice. Link to survey here
Thank you,
The Management Team and The Utility Modernization Workgroup
The Management Team and The Utility Modernization Workgroup