Useful Links
Have a link to a source that may be of benefit to the whole community? Please send us information via the Contact link to the left. Thanks!
Yahoo Group Email List: This is a discussion group for residents of Arlington Oaks. Membership in this group is open to all Arlington Oaks owners and residents, including tenants. Arlington Oaks staff may also join. The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for communication about issues related to life in Arlington Oaks. To join the Yahoo Group, send and email message to Arlingtonoaksva-subscribe@yahoogroup.com. To ease the review by the administrator and confirm eligibility to join, please include your full name and address in the body of the email.
Facebook - Residents have created a private group on Facebook (search for Arlington Oaks). The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for communications among Arlington Oaks residents to have an opportunity to get to know each other better. After asking to join the group, you must send a message to the group administrator with your Arlington Oaks address to confirm your eligibility to join. The message is for residents only (not staff).
All things Arlington County, the official site - Our Vision: Arlington will be a diverse and inclusive world-class urban community with secure, attractive residential and commercial neighborhoods where people unite to form a caring, learning, participating, sustainable community in which each person is important. Look here for information on licensing your pet, voter registration, public safety, and the county's New Resident Checklist.
Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE) is a resource for public education about the local environment and for volunteer involvement in environmental improvement efforts.
The Arlington Citizen online
Steve Thurstons' great independent news source for our neighborhood and surrounding areas.
The Arlington Arts web site is where to look for a calendar of cultural events in right in your back yard.
The Arlington Historical Society supports research, and collects and preserves the local history of Arlington County.
Volunteer Arlington connects people with opportunities to serve in the community.
Want to know when the next 22A or 4B/A/H metrobus will be outside your door? Check out the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority site for bus and metro schedules.
Volunteer Arlington